
Zur Rettung (NASA-Dokumentarfilm)



Mars Observer (Künstlerkonzept). Bildnachweis: NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory-Caltech

Hubble im Jahr 1990 bedeutete Ärger. Das hochgepriesene Weltraumteleskop wurde entwickelt, um der verschwommenen Erdatmosphäre zu entkommen und unvergleichliche visuelle Bilder des Universums aufzunehmen. Aber seine Schöpfer waren schockiert, als sie entdeckten, dass es aufgrund eines winzigen Fehlers grausam kurzsichtig war.

Betreten Sie die Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure des Jet Propulsion Laboratory der NASA, die eine geniale Lösung für die visuellen Probleme von Hubble angeboten haben. Aber würde es funktionieren?

Hubble war nicht das einzige Missgeschick im Weltraum[{” attribute=””>JPL’s attention during the 1990s. The Magellan spacecraft, nicknamed “Salvage 1” for its reliance on spare parts, barely survived its arrival at Venus. Galileo, destined for Jupiter and at the time the world’s most sophisticated spacecraft, barely skirted mission failure when its main communications antenna refused to unfurl.

And Mars Observer, the first mission to the Red Planet in nearly two decades, would mysteriously disappear just before going into orbit. To the Rescue explores all of these iconic examples of the tireless effort and indomitable ingenuity of JPL engineers as they attempt to rescue the machines they had lofted into the heavens.

„Zur Rettung“ ist ein[{” attribute=””>NASA documentary that takes viewers on a journey through the challenges faced by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in the 1990s while attempting to rescue some of their iconic space missions. The Hubble space telescope, designed to capture stunning images of the universe, suffered from a minuscule flaw that rendered it nearly useless. JPL engineers offered a solution to the problem, but it remained to be seen if it would work. Meanwhile, Magellan barely survived its arrival at Venus, Galileo skirted mission failure, and Mars Observer mysteriously disappeared just before going into orbit. The documentary showcases the tireless efforts and indomitable ingenuity of JPL engineers as they attempt to rescue the machines they had launched into space.

JPL and the Space Age Video Series


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